McGettrick, Claire (2012) Claire McGettrick and James Smith, Compilation and analysis of newspaper cuttings relating to court committals (July 2012 submission).
McGettrick, Claire (2012) Email of 1st July 2012 from Claire McGettrick to Senator Martin McAleese and Nuala Ní Mhuircheartaigh.
McGettrick, Claire (2012) Email of 25th July 2012 from Claire McGettrick to Nuala Ní Mhuircheartaigh (asking whether survivors' records from RIRB can be located by committee?).
McGettrick, Claire (2012) Letter of 28th May 2012 from Claire McGettrick to Senator Martin McAleese.
McGettrick, Claire (2012) Letter of 9th July 2012 from Claire McGettrick to Senator Martin McAleese.